Disadvantaged Pupils
Disadvantaged Statement
At Uffington C of E Primary School we identify that disadvantage can extend beyond those pupils that are eligible for Pupil Premium funding.
We consider that all pupils should be considered as individuals and therefore consciously avoid labelling, generalisations and stereotyping disadvantaged pupils by referring to them as a group.
Not all disadvantaged pupils face similar barriers or have less potential to succeed but it is important to note that when things don’t got to plan then they are impacted the most. When things go well, they reap the greatest benefits.
Disadvantaged pupils are defined as those:
- With special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Who meet the definition of children in need of help and protection - assessed by social workers as needing help and protection as a result of risks to their development or health, or who have a disability
- Receiving statutory local authority support from a social worker
- Who meet the criteria for pupil premium funding, including:
o Pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last 6 years
o Looked-after children or previously looked-after children
o Children who left care through adoption or another formal route
Disadvantage at Uffington
In addition to these definitions, we are aware that some families may suffer social isolation, across the socio-economic spectrum:
- Pupils who are from low income families but not eligible for Pupil Premium.
- Pupils who have refugee status.
- Pupils who have English as an additional language (EAL).
- Pupils who are young carers.
- Pupils who have long term health conditions.
- Pupils who, although not on the SEND register, do suffer with mental–health difficulties which can impact their learning.
- Family education levels.
Our aim for our disadvantaged pupils is to:
- Provide a whole school ethos of attainment for all.
- Ensure that all pupils are exposed to high quality first teaching meeting individualised learning needs.
- Give pupils the knowledge, responsibilities and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
- Give pupils experiences which are as broad as possible for as long as possible.
- Ensure that disadvantaged pupils are experiencing meaningful success and thriving on a day-to-day basis.
Ways that we support our disadvantaged pupils
- Collaborative Partnerships: Build strong partnerships with external agencies. These partnerships can provide additional support and expertise to meet the needs of our disadvantaged students, especially in a rural setting.
- Pupil Profiles (PPs): Develop PPs for each SEND student, outlining their specific needs, goals, and strategies for support. We regularly review and update these plans to ensure they are tailored to the individual student's progress (three times a year).
- Adaptive Teaching: Implement instruction strategies to cater to the diverse learning needs of our disadvantaged students. This may involve providing additional resources, adapting teaching methods, and offering alternative assessments to accommodate their individual abilities.
- Use of Technology: Where appropriate we use of assistive technology and digital resources to support our disadvantaged students in their learning. This can include text-to-speech software, speech recognition tools, and accessible online materials.
- Staff Professional Development: We provide ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers and support staff to enhance their understanding and give ideas to implement effective strategies for supporting these students. This can include training on specific learning difficulties, behaviour management techniques, and inclusive teaching practices.
- Parent and Community Engagement: We foster strong partnerships with parents and the wider community to ensure a holistic approach to supporting our disadvantaged students. Regular communication, parent workshops, and community involvement can help create a supportive network for these students.
- Access to Resources: We have appropriate resources and facilities to meet the needs of disadvantaged students. This may include accessible classrooms, specialised equipment, and a well-stocked learning support area. We have additional resources in terms of adult support through our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), HSLW (Home School Link Worker) and Mental Health Lead who enrich our pastoral care and provide expert input surrounding SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health).
- Inclusion and Positive School Culture: We foster an inclusive and positive school culture that values and celebrates the achievements of all students. We promote a sense of belonging and ensure that all students are fully included in all aspects of school life.
- Financial Support: It is important to recognise that financial support alone will not address all the challenges faced by disadvantaged children. This said, we provide support for our pupils to ensure that they are provided with equal opportunities to help support their educational outcomes and enhancement both their engagement and well-being.