Our Governors
We are a carefully selected group of people, chosen or elected to represent a cross section of skills and experience. We access local training to ensure the knowledge base of the governing body is suitable, and regularly monitor this to ensure we remain as such. This brings us together as a diverse and varied team, enabling us to look at issues from multiple perspectives. The governing body always includes the Head teacher and a member of staff from the school.
Our primary purpose is not the day-to-day operations of the school, that is the role of the Head teacher. The governing body is here to work alongside her, to set the long term strategy and financial plan for the school, steer academic performance and support the Head teacher to deliver and ensure compliance with local and national policy.
Our governors all belong to one of two committees which encompass the work of the governing body. They also work alongside a member of staff to support our School Development Plan
Governors (ID 1103)
Mr John-Paul RocheChair of Governors
Mr John-Paul Roche
Governor responsible for: Leadership & Management,
Safeguarding & Child Protection, SEND, Resources Committee, School Development Plan Priorities, Curriculum Development & Enrichment, Relationships and Sex Education.John-Paul is married to a member of our support staff team - Mrs Gemma Roche
Dave WalkerVice Chair of Governors
Dave Walker
Governor responsible for: Leadership & Management, Pupil Experience Committee, GDPR, EYFS, MFL, Wellbeing, Science and Music.
Rachel CookHead Teacher
Rachel Cook
Head teacher, Quality of Education, Pupil Experience committee, Resources committee and School Development Plan Priorities - All subject areas and Leadership and Management, Personal Development and Relationships & Sex education (RSE) Coordinator.
Stephanie SheppardStaff Governor
Stephanie Sheppard
Pupil Experience Committee
Jane HendersonCo-Opted Governor
Jane Henderson
Governor responsible for: Â Resources committee (Chair), School Development Plan Priorities - Maths and Health and Safety.
Joanna ParmanParent Governor
Joanna Parman
Governor responsible for: Resources Committee, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, PE, Swimming, History and Art.
Elizabeth UnderhillCo-Opted Governor
Elizabeth Underhill
Governor responsible for: Quality of Education, Equality, Pupil Experience (Chair) Curriculum Development, Behaviours & Attitudes and Geography.
Reverend Jeremy GoulstonFoundation Governor
Reverend Jeremy Goulston
Governor responsible for: Pupil Experience Committee, School Development Plan priorities - RE, Behaviours and Attitudes.
Richard CharlesCo-Opted Governor
Richard Charles
Link to full School Governor details
Governor Meeting Attendance 2022 - 2023
Collated Pecuniary Interests 2022 - 2023