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Remote Learning Plan


To ensure that learning continues uninterrupted, regardless of school closures, restrictions on attendance, or individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is still able to learn, Uffington C of E Primary School has developed the following remote learning plan. This plan provides opportunities for remote learning while also recognising that some households may have limited or no access to devices and may require hard copies of work and resources.

This plan will be implemented in the following circumstances:

  1. School Closures or Attendance Restrictions
    When access to the school is restricted for pupils due to closures or government guidelines.

  2. Individual Cases of Absence
    When a pupil is unable to attend school for personal reasons but is still capable of engaging in learning activities.

This plan is designed to comply with the expectations and principles set out by the Department for Education (DfE).


remote learning plan oct 24.pdf



Link to Google Classroom

If you require details on your child's login details, please contact the school office. office@uffingtonprimary.org

How to access your BOOST account