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School Lunches

Uffington School is part of the Healthy Schools Programme, which focuses on the health and well-being of our pupils.

As part of the Healthy Schools Programme our kitchen provide pupils with nutritious, hot meals each and every day which are cooked on site and are of a high standard. Children have a choice between two main dishes with vegetables and salad, followed by a pudding or fruit.

A school lunch costs £3.00 per day and you can choose whether you want this full time, part time or on an ad hoc basis. Payment for school dinners is made via SchoolMoney our online payment system.

Parents are required to hold a credit on their dinner account of at least £3.00 to be able to book a school dinner.

Cheques should be made payable to Oxfordshire County Council but if you think your child is entitled to a free school meal, please let us know.

If you would prefer to provide a packed lunch for your child please do read our food policy.

We ask that food is brought in a sturdy container and that drinks are in secure, unbreakable flasks.

In addition we have a pupil who has extreme allergic reactions to any contact with nuts or products containing them, so we are asking if you would please not send any products containing nuts or traces of nuts into school or in lunchboxes (please check the contents of some bars).

Lunch menus

School Lunch Menu - Term 6 2023-24 and Term 1 & 2 2024-25

School Lunch Menu - Term 2, 3, 4 and 5 2024-25