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The National Curriculum

At Uffington C of E Primary School we are committed to nurturing a love for learning. We believe our children learn best when they are enthusiastic and challenged, but importantly can see the relevance of what they are learning. We feel that it is important that children have an opportunity to apply their skills across the curriculum, to solve problems and to work towards purposeful outcomes. We want children to know more and remember more, making links to previous and future learning.

As such we use a creative approach, where appropriate, planned around the distinctive needs of our children. We embed the application of basic skills which allows learning to be meaningful and strive to make our learning engaging and interesting for children and teachers alike.

In Key stage 1 and 2 we follow the 2014 National Curriculum which is organised over a two year rolling programme (see below). A more detailed breakdown of what is being learnt in a specific term can be found on the topic webs on individual class pages.

If you would like further information about the school curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher via the school office. office@uffingtonprimary.org